2. (right aligned)
No further news was received and after due time had elapsed his death was officially presumed to have occurred on the 7th July 1941 as the result of air operations. Subsequently information was received through the International Red Cross that Sergeant Robson had been buried in the cemetery at Guillers, near Brest, France.
Auckland Museum link with a photo of Sgt Robson: https://www.aucklandmuseum.com/war-memorial/online-cenotaph/record/C31412?n=charles+hepburn+robson&from=%2Fwar-memorial%2Fonline-cenotaph%2Fsearch&ordinal=0
5/3/2331 A.S.2.
263 hours as pilot.
Mr. C.W.H. Robson (F) (right aligned)
1 Derby Street (right aligned)
FEILDING (right aligned & underlined)
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