


Status: Complete


Many of them at the Bay of Islands and other
districts are already tenanted by bees, and honey
in considerable quantities being brought in by
considerable quantities is constantly being brought in
by the maories for sale ; and they will learn to track the
the bees to their home after the American fashion, which is
this : Put a piece of honey comb in an open space in the
woods as a bait to the bees, who are soon attracted to it
if their hive is within a reasonable distance. They gorge
themselves, and then their instinct leads them to make
their best of their way homewards. The direction of their
flight is accurately marked ; the same operation is per-
formed in another place at right angles to the line of the
first bees' flight, and the intersection of these two lines
leads the hunter to his prize. Another plan is to catch
the bee while feeding on the bait, and with a little gum
attach a small piece of swan's down or a feather to its
body, which, without materially impeding its flight,
makes its course though the air more easily observed.

By hook or by crook, the maories will find the wild bees
readily enough, as the woods in many places are full of

Uniting or Driving Hives or Stocks.

The union of hives is a branch of the craft which does
not so much belong to the young bee master as to those
who are in possession of a fully stocked apiary, but when
two swarms which have risen on the same day, and
which you intend to unite, are each safely hived, leave
them for the evening near the place where they lighted,
remembering to screen them well from the direct rays of
the sun ; for, the action of the direct rays of the sun is
the usual cause which makes swarms run away after
they are safely hived. After sundown the same evening
spread a cloth on the ground , near where the hive stands
which you wish to double ; then take the other steadily
in your hands away from its bottom board, and strike it
with a smart blow upon the cloth ; this will knock all
the bees out in a mass ; they will not take wing but will
remain lying on the cloth ; whilst you steadily and care-
fully place the other hive over them. Three or four
pieces of wood must previously be placed on the floor

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