Minutes 053
be present to act as alternates. Motion carried
that we authorize our treasurer to give a check
of $300 for minutes of the Association. Motion carried
that we instruct our Messengers to indurse [endorse]
putting an able Missionary on the Field of the
Mt Zion Association.
This being our regular time to call a
Pastor for coming year, motion carried that we
go into election of Pastor. Bro ET Howard was
nominated, Bro CC Wyatt acting as Moderator,
a rising vote was taken, 22 for and 3 against.
Motion carried that conference be left open til
Sunday night.
On Sunday Miss Johnnie Lee Feamster tendered
her resignation as Sunday school teacher of
class No. 2. Motion carried that her resignation
be accepted by the Church. Bro E.T. Howard
accepted the care of the Church as Pastor for
the coming year. Motion carried that Mrs
Mary Sparks, Mrs Lola Edens and Mrs Chester
Crawford be appointed a committee to help collect
balance on our Pastor's salary for last year.
Sunday night the Associational letter was
read and adopted.
Bro E.T. Howard Mad
Mrs Lola Edens Church Clerk.
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