Minutes 048




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Mt Pleasant Baptist Church met in regular
service and conference Jan, 14, 1928. Minutes read
and approved. The Parsonage Plan committee
made report but not very definite. A motion
and carried that we grant them more time, that
they might make a more definite report. The report
of the clerk as to the Building and Soliciting com-
mittee was accepted. Motion and carried that
the committee appointed to make report to the
Ladies Aid last month be discharged.

No other business conference adjourned
in order.

Bro ET Howard Mod.
Mrs Lola Edens Church Clerk.

Mount Pleasant Baptist Church met in reg-
ular service and conference Feb., 18, 1928.
Minutes read and approved. Report of the
Parsonage Plan committee given followed by a
motion and carried that we set the building
of a Parsonage aside for a while and discharge
all committees. Sister Jennie Conway asked
for a letter of dismission, which was granted.
Letter from the [Sec. of] American Baptist Association
was presented to the church. Motion and carried
that we elect messengers to this Association,
which convenes at Oklahoma City, Okla,
Mar, 6. Bro and Sister E.T. Howard and Bro
H.G. Sparks were elected as messengers, and
church voted that should any member attend
outside the messengers, they be authorized to act

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