Dunbar High School Scrapbook



Dunbar High School Scrapbook - Page 17f

Dunbar High School Scrapbook - Page 17f


Lufkin Independent School Distric Board Members [[Adrea Self]],[[Larry Kegler]], [Willie Mae Burley]], [[Joe Douglas]], [[Stanley New]], [Doug Ashburn]], Chuck Crowson]]

City Council [[Don Boyd]] . [[R.L. Kyukendall]]

County Commissioner [[Kenneth Timmons]]

Pineywoods Trailriders Association [[Jamie Stanberry]]

[[Angelina County]] Citizens Chamber of Commerce [[A.M. Jethro]]

Boys & Girls Club [[Patrick Sanders]]

Concerned Black Men, Inc. [[Don Boyd]]

Concerned Citizen of Lukin, Inc [[Linda Pendland]]

Delta Sigma Theta [[Ella Austin]]

Friendship Club [[Robert McGee]]

NAACP-Lufkin Chapter [[Andro Branch]]

North Lufkin Neighborhood Alliance [[Lela Simmons]]

Top Ladies of Distinction, inc.-Lufkin Chapter [[Dorothy Chimney]]

Top Teens of America, Inc [[Andrea Self]]

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Dunbar High School Scrapbook - Page 17g

Dunbar High School Scrapbook - Page 17g


Prayer Rev. Bettie Kennedy

Song (on back cover) "Lift Every Voice," Frederic Tims

Welcome Joe Douglas

Occasion Oliver Brown

Song God's Chosen People

Acknowledgments Andro Branch


Ceremony Rev. Bettie Kennedy

Occasion Mr. Larry Kegler

Introduction of Hall Of Honor Inductees Linda Pendland & Bettie Kennedy

Inductees Dr. Patricia McKenzie Rev. Ernest McGowen

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Dunbar High School Scrapbook - Page 17h

Dunbar High School Scrapbook - Page 17h


Special Thanks To David Sharp, Superintendent LISD Hall of Honor Comittee Members NAACP sponsored barbecue North Lufkin churches for van service

LIFT EV'RY VOICE AND SING [i] James Weldon and J. Rosamund Johnson[/i]

Lift ev'ry voice and sing, till earth and heaven ring, Ring with the harmonies of liberty; Let our rejoicing rise high as the list'ning skies; Let it resound loud as the rolling sea. Sing a song full of the faith that the dark past has taught us; Sing a song full of the hope that the present has brought us; Facing the rising sun of our new day begun, Let us march on, till victory is won.

Stony the road we trod, bitter the chastening rod, Felt in the days when hope unborn had died; Yet with a steady beat, have not our weary feet Come to the place for which our fathers sighed? We have come over a way that with tears has been watered; We have come, treading our path through the blood of the slaughtered. Outr from the gloomy past, till now we stand at last Where the white gleam of our bright star is cast.

God of our weary years, God of our silent tears, Thou who has brought us thus far on the way; Thou who has by Thy might, led us into the light, Keep us forever in the path, we pray. Lest our feet stray from the places, our God, where we met Thee; Lest our hearts drunk with the wine of the world, we forget Thee; Shadowed beneath Thy hand may we forever stand, True to our God, true to our native land.

Last edit over 1 year ago by East Texas Research Center
Dunbar High School Scrapbook - Page 18

Dunbar High School Scrapbook - Page 18


The Bard of Avon (William Shakespeare) Dunbar Gymnasium Friday, December 2, 1960, 10:15 A.M.


Prayer Charles Whitaker
Introduction Betty J. Self
Portrait Pearlie B. Polk
Opinions Lessie M. Coutee
The Theatre Oscar Kennedy
Description Virsteen Johnson
Versatility Frances Austin
Sonnet 18 Esther Lyons
Song "Hark Hark the Lark". Shirley Flemgs
Plays Leola Jones
Merchant of Venice Claudette Tims
Teenage Understanding Betty R. Reece
Cool Corner Macbeth Ina K. Kirksey
Cool Tragedy Ruth E. Lewis
Romeo and Juliet in Slanguage Clarence Franklin
Contempory, Ben Johnson Ernestine Elijah
"To Celia" Clarence Franklin, Luther Jenkins, Archie Howard, Odie Lindsey, Gene Brown, Floyd Gilmore, Joe Houston, Eddie Shepherd, K.L. Richarad

Mrs. Maggie McCoy, Instructor

Last edit over 1 year ago by East Texas Research Center
Dunbar High School Scrapbook - Page 19

Dunbar High School Scrapbook - Page 19


Order of Election

1. The membership of each party shall be limited to twenty-five members which shall be composed of teacher advisors, campaign managers, student leaders, and party officials. Teacher advisors should discuss political issues only with campaign managers and student leaders whoes membership should be limited to twelve. Campaign managers and student leaders may discuss political issues with any number of students. The student leaders and teacher advisors of the four parties are:

Repo Democrats Republicans Aristocrats
Cora J. Sissons Pearlie Polk Betty Reece M. L. Richard
Charles Whitaker Lessie Coutee Ruth Lewis Joe Houston
Floyd Gilmore Joyce Nash Bennie Sapp Tommy Davis
Earnestine Elijah Francis Austin Sandra Berry Oddie Lindsey
Odessa Alexander Claudette Tims Eddie Sheppard Carl Coleman
Ellis Smith Willie C. Birden James Henderson Curtis Duffield
Doyle Thomas F. J. Jenkins Mary Dixon Earnest Spikes
Netter Marie Jackson Linnie Houston Luther Jenkins
Mr. Sims James Harrison
Mr. Harris Miss Venerable Mr. Cross Arenie Howard
Mr. Kennedy Coach Redd Mr. Strong
Mrs. Williams Mrs. Washington Mr. Claybon Mr. Taylor
Mr. Preston Mrs. Test Mrs. Davis
Z. Matts Miss Francis Mrs. Thomplins
Leola Jones Virsteen Johnson Mr. Jackson
Gladys Wheeler Oscar Kennedy Elnora Clay
Virginia Hall Henry Washington Ester Lyons Sammy Field
Gene Brown Alexander Cranford Ina Kirksey Lonsie Charles
Zelma Gibson Shirley Flemming Elroy Moore
Betty Self Willie Washington
Clarence Franklin Johnnie Stewart
Willie Beans
Roby Tanner
John L. Williams
2. Each party may have two party conventions which should be held April 25, Tuesday, and April 26, Wednesdaym activity periods. The membership of the convention shall be made up of class delegates, one student for every ten students enrolled in the class based on Mr Hanson's Class record book. If the number left over is five or more, and additiional student may be included along with the other class delegates.

3. Any student who wishes to become a candate for any Student Council office must pay his filing fee by April 27, 1961. The filing fees for officers are: President - $.25; Secretary - $.15; Treasurer, Asst. Sec'y, Reporter, Chaplin, Historian, Business Manager; Sgt.-at-Arms, Photographer, Parliamentarian - $.10 each; and Homeroom Representatives - $.05.

4. Poll tax fees shall be paid ab April 27, Thursday. Each homeroom will select a student of their group to collect poll tax fees. An accurate record should be kept and turned in by 3:45 P.M., April 27.

5. A program for campaign speeches will be held in chapel, April 27. The General Election will be held on April 28, Friday.. Officers shall be be installed May 5, Friday.

6. There will be two voting boxes - one near the west end of the gym. (No.1), and the other near the east of the gym, (No.2), on election day. The 11th, 8th and 12th grades shall appoint an election judge each to work box. The 10th and 9th shall vote at box 2. The 12th, 11th, and 8th shall vote at box 1.

Last edit over 1 year ago by East Texas Research Center
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