Page 002 & 003
Crossed the said River Attoyaque on the 30th day of August A
D 1827 thence up the said River North Ten thousand varas
to a stake Witness trees a red Oak and a gum on which the
brand of a certain Francesco Guerrero is cut thence east crossing
the Bayou Arengo and the head waters of the Bragolos fifteen
thousand varas] to a stake witness trees two white oaks and three
red oaks all marked with the said Guerreros Branding iron
bounded on the east on land Known on the day and [?] less
aforesaid as Raymond Quark's and Richard Sims thence
south crossing the said main road (the San Antonio road) the
Bay on Bernardo and Bay on Bevara with a line known on the
day and year last aforesaid as Richard Sims. fifteen thousand
varas to a stake witness trees thro which oaks and one pine all
marked as aforesaid bounded and on the south on lands deemed
vacant on the day and year last aforesaid then on towards the
west being the fourth time passing a small Bayou to the Back
of the said Alley again being fourteen thousand eight hundred
and seven varas where was placed a stake on the margin of
the said River witness trees white oak and prickly ash
marked as the other trees the mark fronting said stake
and containing two {illegible} and varas Crossing the river to the
island between the river and the Bayou which island at
the greatest part is found to be eleven Hundred varas wide
and the length then up seventeen Hundred and thirty one
varas the said Bayou sixteen from the place
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