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Republic of Texas,
County of Panola } Know all men by these
presents that I, Philip M.
May of said county, for and in consideration
of the sum of four thousand eight hundred
dollars in hand paid me by Samuel R. Vaughan,
the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged,
have granted, bargained, and sold, and conveyed
and by these presents do grant, bargain, sell,
and convey to the said Samuel R. Vaughan
ten negroes, to wit: one man named Dick,
twenty-five years of age; one man named John,
forty years of age; one woman named
Isabella, twenty-five years of age; one
woman named Eve, seventeen years of
age; one boy named Jesse, ten years of
age; one girl named Hariett, six years
of age; one boy named Lewis, five years
of age; one boy named Ade, five years
of age; one girl named Eliza, three years
of age; [and] one boy named Mosses, six months
of age. To have and to hold the herein conveyed
property to the said Vaughn, his heirs and
assigns forever. And I, the said May, do
warrant the said negroes to the said Vaughan
that they are sound. And I do further warrant
the title to said negroes to the said Vaughan
against the claim of all and every person
or persons whomsoever. In testimony whereof,
I have hereunto set my hand and seal this
4th day of February A. D. 1842.
Signed, sealed and
delivered in the presence of
George Lane,
Samuel C. T. Ford.
Philip M. May {Seal}.

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