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This indenture made this 11th day of February in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty between Hardy Strickland of the first part and John D. Rains of the second part, both of the County of Harrison and Republic of Texas. Witnesseth, that the said Hardy Strickland of the first part, for in consideration of the sum of two hundred and fifty dollars lawful money to him in hand paid by said Rains, the receipt whereof is here by acknowledged, hath bargained, sold and conveyed and do by these presents bargain, sell, and convey, and confirm unto the said Rains of the second part, [and] to his heirs, assigns, executors, and administrators, one certain negro boy named Ben, about thirteen years of age, black color. And the said Strickland of the first part doth for himself, his heirs, assigns, executors, and administrators warrant and forever defend the right to said negro boy to the said Rains of the second part, his heirs, assigns, executors, and administrators against the claim or claims of all other persons both in law and equity. The condition of the above obligation is such, that if the said Hardy Strickland, his heirs, executors, or administrators shall pay or cause to be paid unto the said John D. Rains, his heirs, executors, or administrators on or before the 11th day of February eighteen hundred and forty-two the just and full sum of two hundred and fifty dollars in good and lawful money, then the said Rains shall be bound to deliver so

Last edit 2 months ago by Kyle Ainsworth
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negro boy Ben to said Hardy Strickland. But should said Strickland fail to make said payment promptly on the day above-specified, then the said negro boy Ben is to remain the property of said Rains. And the said Hardy Strickland, for himself, his heirs, executors, and administrators, doth renounce the right of closing this mortgage according to the provisions of law. But said negro boy shall [be] the property of said Rains if the money is not paid on the day above-specified without any further process of law. In testimony whereof, the parties have hereunto set their hands and seals the day and date above written. Witnesses, Rufus Jamison, his mark, James Holbert. His mark, Hardy Strickland {Seal}. John D. Rains {Seal}. In the town of Greensborough personally appeared before me, C. K. Andrews, Clerk, County Court of Harrison, James Holbert, a subscribed witness to the within mortgage, and on oath says that he caused his mark to be made to the within mortgage, and that it is his own proper mark, and that Hardy Strickland, the maker of the mortgage, acknowledged his mark and said it was done for the purpose contained in the mortgage. In testimony whereof, I have hereunto affixed my hand and seal this, the 8th day of September 1840. C. K. Andrews {Seal}, Clerk, County Court of Harrison. Greensborough, 14th October A. D. 1840. Personally appeared before me, C. K. Andrews, County Clerk of Harrison, Rufus Jamison, a subscribed witness, and after being qualified, says he signed the within mortgage as test, and Hardy Strickland, the maker of the mortgage, acknowledged his mark and said it was placed to the mortgage for the purpose therein contained. In testimony of which, I hereunto set my name and affix my private seal [the] day and date above written. C. K. Andrews {Seal}, County Clerk of Harrison.

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I do certify the within mortgage is recorded in my office in Book A and page 114 and 115. Given under my hand and private seal this 14th day of October A. D. 1840. C. K. Andrews {Seal}, Clerk, County Court of Harrison.

Last edit 2 months ago by Kyle Ainsworth
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The Republic of Texas, Harrison County } February 26th, 1841. For the consideration of two hundred and fifty dollars in specie to me in hand paid by William Elliott, the receipt [whereof] is hereby acknowledged, I do hereby transfer, assign and waive all my right, title, etc. to the annexed bill of sale and mortgage [to] said Elliott, his heirs, and assigned, etc. In testimony of which, I have set my hand and seal in the presence of, his mark, William Brewer, [and] James Davenport, [the] day and date above written. John D. Rains {LS}. Republic of Texas, County of Panola } This is to certify that John D. Rains personally appeared before me, S. H. Hardin, an acting Justice of the Peace and one of the Associate Justices of said County, and acknowledged that he assigned the instrument here attached underneath and furthermore acknowledged it to be his free act and deed for the purposes therein contained. Witness my hand and private seal, having no seal of office, this 10th of August A. D. 1841. {LS} S. H. Hardin, Justice [of the] Peace and acting Associate Justice. I do certify the preceeding mortgage certificates and transfer is a true copy of the original filed in my office on the 30th day of August A. D. 1841 this, the 3rd day of September A. D. 1841. C. K. Andrews, County Clerk, Panola County.

Last edit 2 months ago by Kyle Ainsworth
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The Republic of Texas County of Harrison } Know all men by these presents that I, J. L. Sherrod of the Republic of Texas and County of Harrison, for and in consideration of the sum of seven thousand three hundred and sixty dollars to me in hand paid by William S. Hines of the republic and county aforesaid at and before the sealing and delivering of these presents, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, have bargained, sold and delivered and by these presents do bargain, sell and deliver unto the said William S. Hines the following described property, namely (viz.): Tom, man, aged twenty-six years; Sam, aged twenty-six years; Arter, aged nineteen years; Cherry, woman, aged forty-three years; Martha, woman, aged fourteen years; Lucy, aged twenty-five years; Gabriel, boy, aged ten years; Milly, girl, aged eight years; Isaac, boy, aged six years; George, boy, aged two years; Anica, woman, aged twenty-two years; Harriett, girl, aged three years; Lewis, boy, aged two years; one wagon and team; [and] one mule and two head of horses. Also, two beds and furniture [and] thirteen head [of] cattle. To have and to hold the above-named property unto the said William S. Hines, his heirs, executors, administrators, and assigns to him and his own proper use and benefit forever. In witness whereof, I have in the presence of witnesses is hereunto set my hand and seal this 18th January 1841. W. R. D. Ward, B. S. Vivion. J. L. Sherrod {Seal}. Republic of Texas, Harrison County } Personally appeared before me, the undersigned authority, J. L. Sherrod, and acknowledged his signature placed to the within instrument, and said it was his own act and deed done for the purposes contained in this instrument. In testimony of which, I hereunto set my hand and seal of office this 9th day of February A. D. 1841. C. K. Andrews, County Clerk of Harrison County. I do certify the within instrument and acknowledgment is legally recorded in my office in Book A and page[s] 222 and 223. Given under my hand this 13th February A. D. 1841. C. K. Andrews, County Clerk, Harrison County.

Last edit 2 months ago by Kyle Ainsworth
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