McFarland-Russell Letter, October 4, 1891



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Chopin Oct 4/01 R. E. Russell Dear Brother

Yours of 1st to hand yesterday in reply will say for you to do the best that you can in loading the R.R. train. We will send you a [check ?] the last of this week we have [ ?] all we have in the bank at present but will have some more in bank some time this week. we are exchanging the trees for smaller ones for our train. Enclosed find my Note for $30.00 payable to Julia. Then get Wm and Edgar to make a note to her for [376.00] which will make the 500.00 and get her to sign the [ ?]. I got a letter from Bess Anderson

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and he says that [Bamoroft ?] is going to keep on with that suit against us, he says that John Hart says that he does not think that they will be able to make anything out of it but you know how things generaly goes before Ford and it will be imposable for me to come down this court and I want everything out of our hands in case of an accident. I will write John Hart to continue the case if he can, as I cannot be there. how is Granville getting along and does Ma worry over the children as much as ever I think that it would be better for her to come up here and stay this winter with us so that she could get a rest. we have not had any rain here for almost 6 weeks and till last Wednesday

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and we have all had to drink well water or the water from the Bayou and I think that is the reason that my folks were sick. Julia is improving but Beaulah has had the fever for several days Today was her [piano ?] day but she has missed it it is nothing more than biliousness so I do not think that she will have it again the rest of us are all well. we have not made the trade that I wrote you about yet but think that we will soon. send short R.R. train and all get it loaded as cheap as you can for the loading comes out of me as we sell it on cars and take light [men ?] for it if you get it loaded before we send the check you can draw on The Cam River Lumber Co for the

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amt of the loading. I suppose Mr [Gorvila ?] gave you shiping directions as he wrote you to ship it. I enclose a few lines that Beaulah wrote to Cecile. Now Bob have Julia sign the deeds and get this matter off of our hands Well I will close for this time; as I have several letters to write this evening and it is getting late all send love Your Brother HHRussell

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