MacFarland-Russell Letter, October 1880 - Page 3




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dreamed the other night that you were
home and we were enjoying ourselves
finely when I woke up.

Hay says tell Cecile that he is
a man now for he has pants coat & hat
just like any man, and new shoes He says
when he goes again it will be to see Mary
& Cecile, he has seen Eddie & Katie & Tommie,
[ never ?] he has to go to see Aunt Kate.

I could write more if I had anything
to write. Oh yes, Joe married Ines Hanks
they say he is not any account, but I do not
know of course, what he is. Orinda Scott is
to marry Mr Adams, of Log Camps,
I hear soon, she has bought her a silk
wedding dress, and is to be married in
style. Write soon and often,
all join me in love to you all
Your Affectionate Sister
Maggie Smith

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