MacFarland-Russell Letter, October 1880 - Page 2




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between Sam & Arch was all right as far as
the timber was conserned for him to get the
timber off very soon as she was going to make
a deed to some person that wished to purchase
she and her family had been very sick for
some time, Sam does not know what she shall
do yet. Ed intends going up on the river. I think
if all things suit Pas little dog knew me
and I was going to bring him home but
neglected him when I started.

I went down to Newton last Friday to hear
Judge Reagen speak, he is an able orater
did you ever hear him speak, he thanked
the ladies for coming out - made a short
but pleasant speech to them, and retired
from the stand.

I spent the day with Frances Fuller, and
she was the same as ever, I have not seen
Jo Lane yet they have whooping cough there
and I have not sent to see her.
We planted a fall garden but it has not
come up will have to plant over. Kate if you
have any mustard seed please let me have some

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