MacFarland-Russell Letter, October 1880 - Page 1




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Newton, Newton Co Texas
Oct 1880
Miss Kate C. Russell
Dear Sister

I have been thinking two or three days of answering
your letter but all this week I have been
sick. I do not [doing the change ?], though I sometimes
think some have gone to market too.
But that is a yarn of my own spinning about
you. The children are well Mr Smith
is not very well Oh I dread his going west
I am allways so uneasy about him There is
so much murdering in that country.
I went down to see Ed & Susan last week
they were well and there family I enjoyed
my visit very well There was nothing
too good for us. I spent one night with each
Missouri spoke very kindly of you all I never
saw her in a better humour, Sam received
a letter from cousin, she said the [track ?]

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