McFarland-Russell Letter, October 1880



MacFarland-Russell Letter, October 1880 - Page 1
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MacFarland-Russell Letter, October 1880 - Page 1

Newton, Newton Co Texas Oct 1880 Miss Kate C. Russell Dear Sister

I have been thinking two or three days of answering your letter but all this week I have been sick. I do not [doing the change ?], though I sometimes think some have gone to market too. But that is a yarn of my own spinning about you. The children are well Mr Smith is not very well Oh I dread his going west I am allways so uneasy about him There is so much murdering in that country. I went down to see Ed & Susan last week they were well and there family I enjoyed my visit very well There was nothing too good for us. I spent one night with each Missouri spoke very kindly of you all I never saw her in a better humour, Sam received a letter from cousin, she said the [track ?]

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Last edit 2 months ago by shashathree
MacFarland-Russell Letter, October 1880 - Page 2
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MacFarland-Russell Letter, October 1880 - Page 2

between Sam & Arch was all right as far as the timber was conserned for him to get the timber off very soon as she was going to make a deed to some person that wished to purchase she and her family had been very sick for some time, Sam does not know what she shall do yet. Ed intends going up on the river. I think if all things suit Pas little dog knew me and I was going to bring him home but neglected him when I started.

I went down to Newton last Friday to hear Judge Reagen speak, he is an able orater did you ever hear him speak, he thanked the ladies for coming out - made a short but pleasant speech to them, and retired from the stand.

I spent the day with Frances Fuller, and she was the same as ever, I have not seen Jo Lane yet they have whooping cough there and I have not sent to see her. We planted a fall garden but it has not come up will have to plant over. Kate if you have any mustard seed please let me have some

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Last edit 2 months ago by shashathree
MacFarland-Russell Letter, October 1880 - Page 3
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MacFarland-Russell Letter, October 1880 - Page 3

dreamed the other night that you were home and we were enjoying ourselves finely when I woke up.

Hay says tell Cecile that he is a man now for he has pants coat & hat just like any man, and new shoes He says when he goes again it will be to see Mary & Cecile, he has seen Eddie & Katie & Tommie, [ never ?] he has to go to see Aunt Kate.

I could write more if I had anything to write. Oh yes, Joe married Ines Hanks they say he is not any account, but I do not know of course, what he is. Orinda Scott is to marry Mr Adams, of Log Camps, I hear soon, she has bought her a silk wedding dress, and is to be married in style. Write soon and often, all join me in love to you all Your Affectionate Sister Maggie Smith

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Last edit 2 months ago by shashathree
MacFarland-Russell Letter, October 1880 - Page 4
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MacFarland-Russell Letter, October 1880 - Page 4

Tell Cecile I am so glad she favors me or that she thinks so for none of the connections look like me. Tho I am not [ ? ttie] by any means, but if Cecile thinks so I am very glad, for Cecile is the prettiest little lady in the land.

I have made arrangements to get a [ ?] machine [ ?]

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Last edit 2 months ago by shashathree
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