McFarland-Russell Letter, November 8, 1882 - Page 4




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for I put him to great trouble before conserning him
with out any help either way only what time they
start here they had there provision clear. And I
agreed then that I would not be bothered
with any of his ^Mr Smith^ folk and we would not be bothered
with Sam & family any more, And so help me God
I will not have any of his people here to wait on
our take care of any way only when they came
on a visit, by that contract I got rid of Lazy
[ ?], and any likelyhood of any more
of them. And we allso have got Sam away
but Mr Smith is not made at Sam at all neither
did they fall out while here, but only broke up peacefully
that will do. If Lillie comes out to see you and
she is industrious try to keep her she will be a
great help as well as company no need for her
not to be. She is grown I expect. No need to ask
her to come to see me nobody does that, all the company
I have is my own family and the gentlemen
that come to see Mr Smith you can judge how much
company an old or young man either as to me
If I could sometimes cry I would from pure
vexation of spirit, just because I am so faraway
from the busy world, and yet I am [ using ?] for if I have
my boys and Mr Smith why not be satisfide, to tell
the truth I am, only at times I want to see something
new and hear the news. Oh my paper is out too soon
Goodbye Love to all your Sister
affectionately Maggie Smith

Tell the children I will write some thing to them
[ ?] & time Kisses for them Miz & Jane are looking
for santaclaus to come [ ?] is with Cecile &
Mary and Maggie. If you do make me a present
of [ ?] I will have it ground and keep it for your sake
Perhaps I will make you a present too before I
know it if I can think what will suit you best.

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