McFarland-Russell Letter, November 8, 1882 - Page 1




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Newton, Newton Co Texas
Nov 8 1882
Mrs Kate C Russell
Dear Sister

I am so lonely this
evening, Mr Smith is away only the little boys with
me, and I had to sit up so late last night I read
all my stories, so I can not sew for I am feeling so
blue. All day long I have thought continuely of Mary
& seem to see her every where why it is I can not
account for it. I have read all of her old letters
over this evening Oh! my dear dead Sister, will
I ever get over her loss. No Kate never. She was
so constant so kind in her visit to me, now I never
can ride up to the old Homeplace with out nearly
suffocating for I am as bound to weep, but how
plainly I seem to see her waiting at the gate and
Pa looking so pleased to see me. Oh my heart is
sore from this loss. And you and I are so far apart
we never can indulge in visits and then
even if I could go to see you we are so many
to put up on Bob to stay a week, I know you
do not care but he works hard for his living
But if I see any chance to go I will go down and
stay two or three days just to see you all not to go visit
in town, But I see no passable chance now for
Mr Smith's surveying has just begun, I am in

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