McFarland-Russell Letter, May 30, 1889 - Page 3




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in the North they are quiet, peaceable,
industrious, and the younger generations
intelligent. I can not but feel
that we are both children of one
Heavenly Father, and that they ought
not to be debarred from any rights of
education or voting on account of color.
When you come to compare the morals
of the men, the Dems of the South and
the Repubs of the North would form
one very united class. Now I have
spoken my little piece I will be silent.

You spoke of vegetation in Texas now.
I wish I might enter your garden
for a while, I think my appetite
would be sharpened considerably.
We can not boast so much here
tho' we had an unusually early spring.
However, the last week we have had
some very strong winds and frosts
which has cut the corn and damaged

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