McFarland-Russell Letter, May 14, 1887 - Page 4




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We havent put Stewart in Geor-y
yet, he commenced his third Reader to day.
They are writing a little very sorry.
We had a fine rain yesterday which
was greatly needed. The creeks are
up to day in order to float
timber - I was present yesterday
when the bridge a cross Coney Creek broke
and one wagon 5 oxen and one man
fell in the Creek with the falling
timbers. All present worked hard to
save the lives. The man nor the oxen
seemed to be hurt the wagon was loaded
with cotton, we got everything out.
All that was broken was the tongue of
the wagon, and we had to cut some of
the ox yoke bows. And the man lost
his hat. the Bridge was long and
high. I dont see how every thing was
not killed. and the wagon broken.
My crop is good. I hope you all are in good health. I will
write again in few days to Kate [ ?] & C
R. E. McFarland

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