McFarland-Russell Letter, May 14, 1887 - Page 3




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claim holders principally. There are
a few others, but they are hard untill
all others are paid.

I carried Stewart & Eddie to Mr
Windham's their Grand Pa's yesterday.
they started to school to day to
Miss Lela Bower. She has been teaching
for us but her school was out last week
and she took up over on [Coney ?] for
four months. then we are to get
her again. As I am going to be
in Court most the time I thought
I would move Missouri over on
Coney and let the boys go to
school. We will board them a
few days untill I move to Camp
and Missouri moves over to Coney
the school opened with 31 and they
think it will run to 40 at least.
Eddie & Stewart have learned very fast
since they started down here. they went
two months Eddie went through his
Geography and nearly through his 4th Reader

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