McFarland-Russell Letter, May 14, 1887 - Page 2




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is not great but valuable.,
in regard to the Lexington Junction
property. I wrote there and need an
answer several years ago and I
will enclose you the letter in answer
to mine. I also wrote a letter to a co-clerk
in Texas to examine the record and
see if there was any lands in the name of
Wm McF. He wrote there was and send money
and he would issue abstracts of same
and I sent him money and he never
would give me any satisfaction about
it. He pretended not to know what I wanted
that was in Robertson Co.

I dont think the heirs will ever
be benefited any from that estate we
would heir from T. S. M. - and T S M
from WmM. and T S M being in debt
the heirs couldent make good title. if
it could be worked through at all the heirs
could only make quick claim deed. the claim
against the TSM Estate might be bought in
cheap for almost nothing) for they will get
nothing more unless from some [last or lost ?]lands.
Jos West W. J. Wingate and your self are the

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