McFarland-Russell Letter, May 14, 1887 - Page 1




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Bleakwood Texas
May 4th 1887
Mr R. E. Russell
Dear Bro
Your favor of March 24th come to
hand a long time ago. I have been
thinking of writing all the time with regard
to the note you can burn it
or tear our names off it.
I wrote to J. D. Polk, and a few days ago
he wrote me to learn something from
the papers in the Wm Mc[ ?] estate. but
they were all burned in the court
house at Jasper long since. Polk
says he is making good many inquirys
Wm Davis writes he dont wish to keep
anything secret longer than heirship
is proving and power attorney is given
him. He says the land is hours and
we ought to have it, and can get it
easy with proper steps. he writes there
is no question but the land is ours. He says it

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