McFarland-Russell Letter, May 14, 1887



McFarland-Russell Letter, May 14, 1887 - Page 1
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McFarland-Russell Letter, May 14, 1887 - Page 1

Bleakwood Texas May 4th 1887 Mr R. E. Russell Dear Bro Your favor of March 24th come to hand a long time ago. I have been thinking of writing all the time with regard to the note you can burn it or tear our names off it. I wrote to J. D. Polk, and a few days ago he wrote me to learn something from the papers in the Wm Mc[ ?] estate. but they were all burned in the court house at Jasper long since. Polk says he is making good many inquirys Wm Davis writes he dont wish to keep anything secret longer than heirship is proving and power attorney is given him. He says the land is hours and we ought to have it, and can get it easy with proper steps. he writes there is no question but the land is ours. He says it

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Last edit 2 months ago by shashathree
McFarland-Russell Letter, May 14, 1887 - Page 2
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McFarland-Russell Letter, May 14, 1887 - Page 2

is not great but valuable., in regard to the Lexington Junction property. I wrote there and need an answer several years ago and I will enclose you the letter in answer to mine. I also wrote a letter to a co-clerk in Texas to examine the record and see if there was any lands in the name of Wm McF. He wrote there was and send money and he would issue abstracts of same and I sent him money and he never would give me any satisfaction about it. He pretended not to know what I wanted that was in Robertson Co.

I dont think the heirs will ever be benefited any from that estate we would heir from T. S. M. - and T S M from WmM. and T S M being in debt the heirs couldent make good title. if it could be worked through at all the heirs could only make quick claim deed. the claim against the TSM Estate might be bought in cheap for almost nothing) for they will get nothing more unless from some [last or lost ?]lands. Jos West W. J. Wingate and your self are the

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McFarland-Russell Letter, May 14, 1887 - Page 3
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McFarland-Russell Letter, May 14, 1887 - Page 3

claim holders principally. There are a few others, but they are hard untill all others are paid.

I carried Stewart & Eddie to Mr Windham's their Grand Pa's yesterday. they started to school to day to Miss Lela Bower. She has been teaching for us but her school was out last week and she took up over on [Coney ?] for four months. then we are to get her again. As I am going to be in Court most the time I thought I would move Missouri over on Coney and let the boys go to school. We will board them a few days untill I move to Camp and Missouri moves over to Coney the school opened with 31 and they think it will run to 40 at least. Eddie & Stewart have learned very fast since they started down here. they went two months Eddie went through his Geography and nearly through his 4th Reader

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McFarland-Russell Letter, May 14, 1887 - Page 4
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McFarland-Russell Letter, May 14, 1887 - Page 4

We havent put Stewart in Geor-y yet, he commenced his third Reader to day. They are writing a little very sorry. We had a fine rain yesterday which was greatly needed. The creeks are up to day in order to float timber - I was present yesterday when the bridge a cross Coney Creek broke and one wagon 5 oxen and one man fell in the Creek with the falling timbers. All present worked hard to save the lives. The man nor the oxen seemed to be hurt the wagon was loaded with cotton, we got everything out. All that was broken was the tongue of the wagon, and we had to cut some of the ox yoke bows. And the man lost his hat. the Bridge was long and high. I dont see how every thing was not killed. and the wagon broken. My crop is good. I hope you all are in good health. I will write again in few days to Kate [ ?] & C R. E. McFarland

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