McFarland-Russell Letter, July 16, 1871 - Page 2


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Wickedpug at Jan 31, 2023 07:54 PM

McFarland-Russell Letter, July 16, 1871 - Page 2

Orange. Orange Co. Texas July, 16th 1871

Miss Kittie McFarland
Dear Friend
I returned home last
Thursday. I found all well except Sue. She has the Chills & fever
but she is getting well now. The old lady [Holms?] died the [crossed out "the"] evening I
got home she was sick when I left but I did not think that there
was anything very serious the matter with her. I found your highly
appreciated letter all right. and also one from Walter. I thought mabe[sic]
some of the family might open my letters while I was gone but
they did not for a wonder. The Thespean Society were through
with three new plays before I got home. but that was nothing
to me they may play forty times if the[sic] choose and I don't think any
of them will enjoy them selves better there than I did while I was
in the Pine Woods. I must say I never spent a more pleasant time
in my life you may dispute it if you will but it is positively
so I got along so well I think I will have to go again, soon. on Tuesday
after I left your Pas I went over and took dinner with Miss Laura
[Right?] and after dinner her and I rode over to the Cochrans to see
the young Ladies. I saw the so called beauty Miss Lydia I do not
think her pretty by any means. The youngest Miss Jane would
be a great deal the prettiest if she did not have such a large
mouth. but as it is it is hard to decide which is the best looking
. well I guess I will drop that subject for the present and see if I
cant find something more interesting. I stopped and took
dinner with the Bride and Groom as I came down that day.
My mare got a way from me there and she would have gone
up to Pinetucket if it hadnt been for Ed. West he [put?] out after
her and over took her about a mile from there. and that evening
I got a ducking. poor little me are you not sorry for me. I know I
would be for you if you were to get a ducking. Kate I tell you old
Orange is improving I never saw the like of strangers as there is coming
in. and all the [lower?] [illegible] of Newton is going to move down I
think you had better moove[sic] too dont you.

McFarland-Russell Letter, July 16, 1871 - Page 2

Orange. Orange Co. Texas July, 16th 1871

Miss Kittie McFarland
Dear Friend
I returned home last
Thursday. I found all well except Sue. She has the Chills & fever
but she is getting well now. The old lady [Holms?] died the [crossed out "the"] evening I
got home she was sick when I left but I did not think that there
was anything very serious the matter with her. I found your highly
appreciated letter all right. and also one from Walter. I thought mabe[sic]
some of the family might open my letters while I was gone but
they did not for a wonder. The Thespean Society were through
with three new plays before I got home. but that was nothing
to me they may play forty times if the[sic] choose and I don't think any
of them will enjoy them selves better there than I did while I was
in the Pine Woods. I must say I never spent a more pleasant time
in my life you may dispute it if you will but it is positively
so I got along so well I think I will have to go again, soon. on Tuesday
after I left your Pas I went over and took dinner with Miss Laura
[Right?] and after dinner her and I rode over to the Cochrans to see
the young Ladies. I saw the so called beauty Miss Lydia I do not
think her pretty by any means. The youngest Miss Jane would
be a great deal the prettiest if she did not have such a large
mouth. but as it is it ishard to decide which is the best looking
. well I guess I will drop that subject for the present and see if I
cant find something more interesting. I stopped and took
dinner with the Bride and Groom as I came down that day.
My mare got a way from me there and she would have gone
up to Pinetucket if it hadnt been for Ed. West he [put?] out after
her and over took her about a mile from there. and that evening