McFarland-Russell Letter, December 8, 1880 - Page 3




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get Mr Smith to subscribe for our old time
paper The Saturday Evening Post Have you seen
it lately Kate my lord is so sore that I can
scarcely write it is dip dip all the time.
Give my love to Cecile & Mary and tell them the
times are so hard no body will go to [ ?]
with a wagon so as I could send some nice
potatoes to you

Kate write & think of it, I dreamed a cure
for consumption I dreamed Ma came from heaven
and told me that it would cure if the lungs
were not wasted away too much. Take she said
a bottle of Port wine and put enough
beech bark in it to make a bitter
and take it three times a day, one tablespoonful.
It is a singular dream and
if I ever take consumption I will try it.
My love to you all write soon and try
to come some time.

Ever your affectionate Sister
Maggie Smith

There is nothing new here atal only there
is no meat to get.

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