McFarland-Russell Letter, August 29, 1880 - Page 3




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tenth of the flock. we surposed at that time it
was 20 head. at this time his interest
in the sheep is 28 head. I never heard
him say any thing about Kates having an
interest in the sheep. in this matter I
would not have the right to do anything
to establish your right. you would have
to bring sufficient proof before the court
to satisfy them, and upon complaint
of any credidtor or heir, it would cost
a law suit, and they would be apt to
plead peaceable possession for so long
a time, and paying taxes on them:
limitation would run against you;
the community property is all in a shape
that it could not be divided, with
the heirs and creditor. it will all
have to be sold and divide the money.
I have made application for an order to sell
the horses Cattle oxen hogs & sheep provided
there is no objection filed by any party
interested. I will get an order to sell,
the order will be issued the third monday in Sep
some of the stock is very exspencive, and
some is needing attention the sooner it
is sold the better it is for the estate

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