McFarland-Russell Letter, August 29, 1880 - Page 2




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the old Bull. Pa sold him to
Ruben Jones a few days afer you
returned home. Your Bull some
one casterated him early in the spring
the estate will all be sold. all the
property that Pa owned before his & Mas
marriage and all that he has got since
Ma's death is his individual property.
All that was made during the
married life. after they were married and
before Mas death was community. at
Mas death her half went to her heirs
the other half was Pas, but at that time
there should have been an inventory of all the
community property filed with the Co Clerk
as it was not done. the heirs may loose
their interest. they will if it is contested
by any creditor of the estate. You spoke of
turning your claim into Sheep. you
will not be allowed to do that. you will
have to hold your claim until the estate
is wound up. then what ever the estate
will pay on the dollar you will
receive. in regard to Kates sheep
in the transfer from Pa to me and
Sam, he kept out for himself one

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