McFarland-Russell Letter, August 29, 1880 - Page 1




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Blackwood Texas
Aug 29th 1880
Mr R E Russell
Dear Sir

Your Aug 2nd received some time since
at that time I did not know how your
ap with Pa stood. and I had a great
deal of work to do in the business
of the estate. and a good many letters
to write. and carrying my affairs on
too. I havent had half time enough to
do what I had to do

I have just finished up the estate for a
few weeks. so as to have a few weeks
study work for myself. but I feel
very much like I was going to have fever
today. the health is not as good up here
as it has been for the last 2 months.
it is just now drying off so timber men can
do some work hauling timber. the stock
cattle was valued at 6.00 per head
your cattle is about average with
them. Stock cattle has been selling at 6.00
per head this year. I havent found any one
that wishes to buy your stock at the
figures you set. I havent had a bid
on them yet at any price---

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