University Records

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Subscription List for Western University 1877-1882

Needs Review

8 1877.78.79 Western University. [column 1] Date. [Column 2] Name. [Column3] $ Column 4] c. [Column 5] Address. 1877 June 1 [vertical note] Copied from old book B A Mitchell 200.00 po London James Mitchell ? 200 00 " june 8 John Labatt 200 00 " 1878 Jany 22 Revd. C.D. Martin 200 00 Brant[?] " " "R. O. Cooper 200 00 Paris Feby 5 " C.H. Channer 200 00 Gode[?]{/}25 00 " 6 " Wm. Craig 200 00 Seaforth 250 " 21 " D. Deacon 200 00 " " " G.W Racy 200 0 250 - May 1 " W E Scott 200 00 Kirkton 200 Oct 23 Rev. Cnd[?] M Grulleming 200 00 London 200 1879 Jany 13 " P J Hicks (Rev) 200 00 Goderich 200 ($200 each) January 13 (10 notes, due ( " 24 W. Turville 200 00 Goderich 250 1880 London 250

Last edit over 2 years ago by Kdawg102
Needs Review

10 1877.78 Western University, [Column 1] Date. [Column 2] Name. [Column 3] $ [Column 4] c. [Column 5] Address. 1877 Jany 22 [vertical note] copied from old book Rev. A.C. Hill 100 00 Mount Plea[?] " 28 " Thomas Daais 100 00 Aylmer 90 Feby 20 " Wm Davis 100 00 Winham 95 " " " Wm Murphy 100 00 London 95 May 17 Wm Green 100 00 London 100 " 25 L Blackburn 100 00 pd "

31 I Nitschke 100 00 " 100 June 5 E.A. Taylor 100 00 " " 1 [?] Brauer po 100 00 " " " R Lewis Chamberlain po 100 [?] Kirkton " " Wm Saunders po 100 00 " " f D Hodgins po 100 00 " 1878 Jany 18 T H T[?]llman po 100 00 " " 31 Edward Hodgins po 100 00 " March 1 A McRae po 100 00 " " 9 I S Englehart po 100 00 " " 11 T I McDonough 100 00 Note $20 due March 83 " 13 Wm Reid & Co. 100 00 " All due 100 [facing page] 1878.79 11 Western University. [Column 1] Date. [Column 2] Name. [Column 3] $ [Column 4] c. [Column 5] Address. 1878 [?] [vertical note copied from old book F A Fitzgerald po 100 00 London " [?] James Slater po 100 00 " " 20 WR Meredith 100 00 $20 due March 83 1877 June 5. E Beltz pd 100 00 " 1878 Belmont $125 Notes $40 paid (see notes) Oct 1 (Rev P.B. deLom J.S. 100 00 London all notes [?[ 10 each see .70 Nov 1 " Edward M [?]aud 100 00 Ingersoll " 23 W D R Stuart 100 00 London Dec 16 William Gray 10[?] Woodstock Z Gard pd 100 00 $40 due Jan. 82 & 83 1879 Jany 9 R. Minkinnuck 100 00 London " T.F. Kingsmill po 100 00 " Febr 20 Isaac Mabermau 100 00 " " 25 Rev [?] Broron 20 00 St. Paul's London [?] due March 82 Mch 21 William Pope 100 00 London $40 still due March 83 & 84 Mch 25 Richard Maylap 100 - London Apr 3 Rev Edwd N. English 100 - Notes London East " 14 J B Struthy 100 - London 22 V Cronyn 100 -- "

Last edit over 2 years ago by Kdawg102
Needs Review

14 Western University. [Column 1] Date. [Column 2] Name. [Column 3] $ [Column 4] c. [Column 5] Address. [facing page] 1877-78 15 Western University. [Column 1] Date. [Column 2] Name. [Column 3] $ [Column 4] c. [Column 5] Address. 1877 [vertical note] copied from old book 50 d[?] Rogers & Co 50 00 London paid Mar 17 TM Cormick 50 00 " 1878 paid Jany 1 H Mathewson 40 00 " note 29 Saml Grigg 50 00 " note ivd[?] 5 R. Wallace 50 00 " contra [?] " " M.D. Dawson 50 00 " paid March Smith Chapman & Co 50 00 " paid " 20 J.F. & I.A. Mahn 50 00 " paid " " Mrs McMahon 50 00 " notes " 23 L. Gibson 50 00 " 50 " 28 John Cameson & Co 50 00 " paid " " J. Cattermole 50 00 " 50 due Oct 21 D.B. Burritt 50 00 Stratford see Page 18 30 " 21 S.R. Hesson 30 00 " 50 " " B. S. Dullep[?] 50.00 " paid " " J. Glenword 30 00 " notes Nov 21 J Dauks 50 " London 1878 paid Nov 25 [?] D [?]srland 50 00 London

Last edit over 2 years ago by Kdawg102
Needs Review

16 1878.79 Western University. [Column 1] Date. [Column 2] Name. [Column 3] $ [Column 4] c. [Column 5] Address. 1878 Dec 3 Mrs. Boomer for S.N Silver & Co [pounds] 10.0.0 s4 48 11- - 66 & 67 Cornhill London England " 16 Ch L Beeua[?] 30 00 Woodstock " 19 John Gollaekay[?] 30 00 " 1879 Feb 18 Alex Getteuno[?] 50 " note Wingham " " [?]mirhopner 50 " notes " " 27 W H Stratm[?] 50 00 notes London March 7 W Chapman 50 00 note " April 4 J.S. Pearce 50 00 notes " May 24 Thos. H. Tracy 50 00 notes " June 2 T[?] Camflak[?] 50 " Simcoe " 8 Iaurs[?] Dickson notes 50 00 Paris July 7 (Rev) Robert McCosk 30 00 Bayfield notes $20 due " 21 Jas Woods 50 00 Galt notes? Oct 6 (Rev) E. Stewart-Jones 50 00 Port Rowan note Oct 6 W & Mrs Wood 50 00 Port Rowan note " 13 Ed Solimsan[?] 50 " Chatham note " 30 James Durand. 50 " London 50 Dec 8 J M Eugluh[?] 50 00 Strathroy notes 1879 17 Western University. [Column 1] Date. [Column 2] Name. [Column 3] $ [Column 4] c. [Column 5] Address. 1879 Dec 22 Mr. & Mrs. W.H. Eakins (note) 40 00 Ingersoll [dashes] " 22 P.J. Brown (notes) 50 " Ingersoll 1880 Jany 28 A Friend 50 " Glencoe July 3 R. [?] Huar[?] 50 00 Hamilton " 18 S. Backus (notes) 50 00 Tyrcomsle[?]

Last edit over 2 years ago by Kdawg102
Needs Review

18 1878.79 Western University. [Column 1] Date. [Column 2] Name. [Column 3] $ [Column 4] c. [Column 5] Address. 1878 Feby 5 [vertical note copied from old book] C. Chapman N 25 00 London March 11 (Rev) R. Wallace (congregation) N 25 00 London " 15 Saml Stewart pd N 25 00 " " " G.C.F. Winlow note 25 00 " " " (Rev) J. AllisterMechray[?] (Presbyterian) N 25 00 " Oct 21 J. G. Yemen 25 00 Stratford 20 Nov 1 A G Feucciell (MD.) 25 00 London " 14 H Kordes po 25 00 London " 25 E.R. Robinson po 25 00 Do" 30 H.W.S. Wright Note 25 00 DoDec 5 GOC Gibbons p 25 " Do" 5 B.E. Walker 25 " Do- 25 " 19 Edw Bridger N 25 .. Woodstock " " John Lindsay pd 25 " " " 27 Edy Brse pd 25 " London 1879 Jany - LA Chinton 25 Ladies College " 20 Robt Bird Jr pd 25 Woodstock July 8 Jno[?] Opiuse[?] N 25 London " 18 H. Gislin[?]N 25 Wingham " " James [?] N 25 Do [facing page] 1879 19 Western University. [Column 1] Date. [Column 2] Name. [Column 3] $ [Column 4] c. [Column 5] Address. 1879 Feb 27 G. Bawden N 25 00 London - " John Cooper N 25 00 " Mch 1 JB Siphire N 25 00 " March 1 L.E. Wight 15 00 Ladies College " 7 G.W. Harkness N 15 00 London " 8 Saml Gibson 25 00 Petersville " 27 WC Martin Bros 25 00 City Hotel London " " C. Chapman 2 N 25 00 2nd Sub. April 1st Cooper N 25 00 London " [?] C.T. Colwell N 25 00 London[?] " 15 Dr. H.A. deLour N 25 00 London East May 23 John Houston M.D. N 25 00 London May 23 AB Boyles 25 00 London " 26 Berg[?] Hillson 25 00 Mic[?]ases Aug 2 C. Caandai[?] 25 00 Science " " JE Willmaster 25 00 Science " " A friend 25 00 " " 3 A. Nash pd 25 00 " " 9 Thomas Gale N 25 00 Paris

Last edit over 2 years ago by Kdawg102
Needs Review

20 1879 Western University. [Column 1] Date. [Column 2] Name. [Column 3] $ [Column 4] c. [Column 5] Address. 1879 Feb 18 B. Flynn 25 00 Wingham " " Williamson Greemer 25 " Mch 4 Wm Ellis N 25 00 London Apl 1. J H Wilson VS pd 25 00 " June 9 D K Dickson N 25 00 Paris " 17 L. Burwell N 25 00Port Brussde[?] " 21 M J. Davidson N 25 00 Galt Oct 6 Mrs. L B Park N 25 00 Port Dover " " Anne M. Wakely 25 00 [?]onis (at Port Rowan) " " R[?] & Donkian N Port Rowan " 13 D Ruecer[?] Allen N 25 Chatham Dec 1 Rev. John R Jones N 25. 00 Walkerville[?] " " Alus Cameron 25 00 Toronto [?] " 2 RC Kinss[?] 25 00 [?] " 8 Nelleuuch[?] Decoaid[?] pd 25 00 Strathroy " " G.W. Francies N 1500 Strathroy " 16 W. Battersby 25 -- Port Dover X 19 Thomas Green 25 00 London (continued at P. 26/ [facing page] 1878.79 21 [Column 1] Date. [Column 2] Name. [Column 3] $ [Column 4] c. [Column 5] Address. 1878 May 18 Geo F. Jewell 10 00 [?] subsc London " 22 J. K Clare 10 00 " March 1 Rev J. Edmonds {Included in sec for OR p.12 Aug 14 Robt Kirkpatrick 10 00 N " Dec 5 W L Carrie 10 00 " Dec 6 L Augn Sippi 10 " N " 1879 [?] Jany 8 C. Manifault 10 " N " " " Geo. F Jencll[?] 10 00 (Secured) " " 18 [?]stap Yorke 10 - " " 31 Bennet Bros po 10 - " May 26 P Ibesdsman[?] 5 Wingham June 2 Flores[?] Povrile 5 00 Simcoe " " Irwin Haze 10 00 " " 9 Whelan Baird & Co 10 . po Paris " 10 E J. Plerlis[?] 5 " " 10 John Carnegie 5 pd " " 16 Emma Saunders 5 00 Vienna Dr. John J. Kingston 5 00 "

Last edit over 2 years ago by Kdawg102
Needs Review

22 1879 Western University. [Column 1] Date. [Column 2] Name. [Column 3] $ [Column 4] c. [Column 5] Address. 1879 July 14 Robt. Ashton 10 00 Brantford Oct 1 H.W. Allan 5 00 Port Rowan Oct 6 Margaret McLennon 10 00 Port Rowan " 13 P.T.M. Aushew[?] 10 - Chatham " " A. B. Raxhr[?] N 5 - " " " John Roney 5 " " " friend 2 50 " " " Chas H. Wood N 10 00 " Nov 10 James See 10 00 East Oxford " 12 F. Cheessuoughs[?] 05 00 Princeton " " William Gables 2 50 " 29 A friend Paid 5 - Drhort[?] Dec 1 Henry McAfee 5 00 Paid Walkerville " " C. M. WalkerPaid 5 00 " " 2 A friend 2 00 Windsor " " John Curry 5 00 Paid Windsor " " John J Bell 2 " Windsor " 8 James Wright[?] 10 00 Strathroy " " J Snsst[?] 5 00 pd Strathroy [facing page]1879.80 23 Western University. [Column 1] Date. [Column 2] Name. [Column 3] $ [Column 4] c. [Column 5] Address. 1879 Dec 8 John Irconic[?] 5 00 pd Strathroy Dec 9 F J Craig N 5 00 " " " J.B. Watson N 10 00 " " " P. J. Alison N 10 00 " " " C M[?]y 5 00 " " 15 E. Cowdry 2 Simcoe " 16 H. Mulkins 5 00 " " 18 C. F. Complise. First subscription payable each[?] 1:1880 10 London " 22 Jar[?] Norfose[?] 10 00 Ingersoll [?] " 22 J Ryelles 10 00 1st " " 22 D Canficts[?] 5 00 " " 22 Ths Brown 5 00 1st " 1880 Jany 5 W Whytr[?] 5 00 1st London " 27 A friend 2 00 Wardsville " 28 O Cihete[?]5 00 Glencoe " 28 John Oldreive 10 00 " Feb 2 Innes M Lolridge 10 00 Hamilton " [?] John A Orrs 10 00 do

Last edit over 2 years ago by Kdawg102
Needs Review

24 Western University. [Colum 1]Date [Column 2] Name [Column 3] $ [Column 4] c. [Column 5] Address 1880 Feby 2 J. J. Mason pd 10 J Vasses[?] " 3 J Winer 20 " " " " M.O'Reilly pd 4 00 " " 9 Solomon [?]ill 10 00 Markdale " 16 Valaucey E. Freller 10 00 Ham[?] Mar 13 H. Mchateley 10 00 Civic[?] " 17 W. M. Good[man?] 10 00 " 20 [?] 10 00 " 23 G. K. Shornberger JS 20 00 Oxford [facing page] 25 Western University. [Column 1] Date. [Column 2] Name. [Column 3] $ [Column 4] c. [Column 5] Address.

Last edit over 2 years ago by Kdawg102
Needs Review

1880 26 Western University. [Column 1] Date. [Column 2] Name. [Column 3] $ [Column 4] c. [Column 5] Address. 1880 continued from page 20 Jany. 16 Ellis A Ans pf 25 00 London " 10 W N Donaugh pd 20 00 London " 24 Revd W. J. Taylor 25 00 Wardsville " 28 Stephen Blackburn 25 00 Glencoe " " G. M Laureson 25 00 Glencoe " " E. Dualsiaivs[?] 25 00 " Febry 19 Thomas Pearce 23 00 Iona Feby 24 Ths. Kent Part pd 25 00 London [facing page] 27 Western University. [Column 1] Date. [Column 2] Name. [Column 3] $ [Column 4] c. [Column 5] Address.

Last edit over 2 years ago by Kdawg102
Needs Review

[left page] Notes due Mar all due [right page] 1877.78 3 Western University. [Column 1]Date [Column 2] Name [Column 3] $ [Column 4] c. [Column 5] Address 1877 [underlined] Apr. [1?] H. Cleghorn 500.00 [pd?] $100 London " " John Beattie 500.00 pd $100 " " 2 E. Baynes Reed 500.00 Paid " " 5 H. A Joseph 500.00 Toronto S. H. C. 500.00 London 1878 [underlined] January 17 [Rev] W. Logan ? 500.00 Lucan " 17 " J.W.P. Smith 500.00 London " 27 " Isacc [Barn?] ? 500.00 Point Edward " " " I. Holmes 500.00 Corunna " 31 " N.H. Mastur 500.00 Walkerville February 16 " S.L. Smith 500.00 Alvinston " F. Ryan 500.00 Exeter May 2 London " " " June 16 G.W. Innes 500.00 " 1879 [underlined] 500.00 " [vertically in date column] came from old book

Last edit about 2 years ago by Carolebar
Displaying pages 1 - 10 of 35 in total