6 - November 1905



Needs Review

[Image - four addressed and stamped envelopes] TAUGHT BY MAIL

Would you rise on the world? !Accomplishments are necessary! We supply an unparalleled course with competent [underlined] instruction [underlined] on each branch.

Conversation [partly underlined], Mr. Hardy, Bachelor of Applied Tolkatactcs and author of the fascinating little booklet. "How it feels to be engaged."

Singing [underlined], Messrs. Washburn and Horton, star soloists of the Pittsburg Orchestra. Cooking [partly underlined], Miss Guest, there's nothing she can't make from a cake to a conquest.

Jollying [partly underlined], Rev. A Carlisle, chief assistant and heart breaker of Memorial Church. This emminent

Last edit almost 3 years ago by Kdawg102
Needs Review

young man is accused by some of his victims of having a stoney heart. An autopsy would doubtless reveal the fact that the bit of rock occuping his bosom was purloined from a certain castle in Ireland (Blarney.)

Skating [partly underlined], Signor Morrisso Thorianno, teaches grace in every movement particularly that of gently yielding to the force of gravity.

[Image - appears a card is pasted on to the page. On the card is a cartoon of a framer in the distance over a hill and a another farmer with his back to the viewer holding a knife and a basket beside him. Caption - "No sir! There ain't no rabbits here.]

Last edit almost 3 years ago by Kdawg102

[image - pens nibs partially spelling] A Pen Picture

Should your steps be turned in the direction of that scholastic Paradise, that haunt of Apollo and the Muses that new Olympics, the Western University, you could not long remain under its roof without hearing the name of her, who is the subject of this panygerie, the splendid original of this inadequate portrait, Miss Jessie Rowat, Boss of No. 6 -

Nature, like the spiteful old hag that she is, ofen denies majesty of form and perfection of feature to those whom she has dowered with breadth of intellect and brilliancy of fancy.

Last edit 4 months ago by MaryV
Needs Review

Napoleon's dominant ego was encased in a diminutive form, the soul of a Socrates looked out from the face of a satyr, and even the beauty of a Byron was spoiled by that malicious afterthought in the shape of a clubfoot. But in these last days, the forces of Westing have united to compel her however unwillingly to one supreme effort, the Result of which is with us.

The beauty and grace of a Hebe, the power and dominance of a Caesar are met here in one forum. Enough of her outward perfections. It is rivalled, nay, surpassed by the profundity and brilliancy of her intellect. Euclid was a

Last edit almost 3 years ago by Kdawg102
Needs Review

child in mathematics, Newton a babe in physical science, Shakespeare an "amateur rhymester, and Macaulay and Carlyle public-school dobblers in the mysteries of prose composition when their achievements are compared with those of Miss Jessie Rowat.

From the examples cited you may catch some idea of the versatility and universality of her genius.

She can arrange an evening's refreshments, solve a mathematical impossibility, deliver and oration to put Demosthenes to the blush, wither the girls of No. 6 write an essay and control a magazines with equal felicity.

Her greatest virtue in the eyes

Last edit almost 3 years ago by Kdawg102
Displaying pages 16 - 20 of 41 in total