4 - November 1904



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a magazine. McDonkey had not even begun his brilliant but fitful career. Nevertheless we do most heartily congratulate you upon your efforts and gaze with admiration upon your success.

I would dearly love to linger a little longer with you, but I must deny myself that pleasure, lest I, unknowingly, should be the first to raise the curtain upon memories that live alone in the hearts of the students of former years. [drawn line]

Social Items. [all underlined] Mr. Grant has returned to the College. It was rumored that he would not return alone. And he didn't. He was accompanied by an infantile mustache.

"Quite the jolliest event of the season" occurred when Sunny Joe reappeared in the lane. Even the clock in the hall clapped its hands at his approach.

Last edit almost 3 years ago by Kdawg102
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[Image - tower, string of bells] [bold] A Bachelor's ReQuiem[bold]

Peace hath her victories no less renowned than war.

On October 12th 1813 the roll of cannons and the shrill call of mililtary bands accompanied by the onward movement of hundreds of armed men announced the fact that ere many hours Queenston Heights would be written for all time in letters of victorious gold upon Canada's walls. But what a change in less then a century. On October 12th, 1904, the clang of church bells and the melodious strains of Mendelssohn's Wedding March accompanied by the onward movement of hundreds of interested men and women announced that ere many hours the names of Rev. and Mrs. H.W. Snell would be written for all time in letters of victorious

Last edit almost 3 years ago by Kdawg102
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gold upon a marriage certificate. "Peace hath her victories."

The curtain has been drawn over the many months of courtship - yes and the door closed and locked and the lamp turned down low. Unbecoming indeed would it be to repeat the words of honey sweetness, whispered in the sombre shade of evening, as they two strolled along the streets of Tillsonburg; or in the more sombre shade of evening[struck through] a darkened parlor not far from the same busy streets. Suffice it to say that these did occur - with the fatal result of October 12th.

Snell was not quite himself that day. He arose early in the morning - a danger ous symptom. Sixteen miles lay between him and his - quite a difference there was that day between the objective and possessive cases. Love laughs at distances. Miles were rolled off as inches. Time lingered not, nor

Last edit almost 3 years ago by Kdawg102
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dragged; and eleven o'clock saw him in all his matrimonial grandeur - "armed and ready for the fray."

What was he arrayed in do you ask "Shoes of brilliant patent leather; (pray notice gentle reader, I start at the feet to work up to a grand climax;) trousers, faultlessly pressed vest of the approved clerical cut, carefully buttoned; coat long and becoming of the frock variety, gracefully hanging; hair, charmingly curled; and to crown all, hat brilliant, shining, lofty. carefully smoothed

Such was His Reverence and such his attire. By his side, for a time, alas! too short a time was his old college chum and fellow tart-eater - also carefully "got up" for the occasion. Thus they entered the church, whilst the interested congregation held its breath in silent admiration.

A rustle! a flash! I was dazzled first

Last edit almost 3 years ago by Kdawg102
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then positively blinded. I was fairly unconcious and only "came to" by hearing some ominous words being uttered about a ring. I learned since that the arrival of the bride and her party was responsible for my condition.

In what were they [underlined] arrayed, 'do you ask? Fair question! Ask me not! One moment I saw white, the next it was pale blue. Now I gazed upon pink; suddenly I beheld pearly flashes. Tis beyond me to describe the scene of surpassing beauty which met my blind and sightless gaze.

The service - oh no! it was not in darkey dialect. It was rumored that the groom and groomsman had arranged that it should be so. But not so the person. So it was in English.

Then with feelings of mingled admiration and envy the congregation rose, the organ pealed forth Wagner's Bridal March, and the

Last edit almost 3 years ago by Kdawg102
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