Recent Activity by Deborah K

Deborah K corrected 33054-003329-0003 in 33054-003329 in Colonial Secretary's CorrespondencePage OCR Corrected
Deborah K corrected 33054-003329-0002 in 33054-003329 in Colonial Secretary's CorrespondencePage OCR Corrected
Deborah K added a note to 33054-003329-0002 in 33054-003329 in Colonial Secretary's Correspondence, saying “"reasssigned" [line 18], "possession" [line 27] transcribed using convention that "ss" is represented by a character looking like a "p".”Note Added
Deborah K added a note to 33054-003329-0002 in 33054-003329 in Colonial Secretary's Correspondence, saying “2nd script / theme begins line 18.”Note Added
Deborah K added a note to 33054-003329-0002 in 33054-003329 in Colonial Secretary's Correspondence, saying “Page appears to be written in two different hands: first script occupying left hand side of page; 2nd script on right hand side; different content for both.”Note Added
Deborah K transcribed 32967-0001-0024 in 32967-0001 in Fanny Trundle diaryPage Transcribed
Deborah K added a note to 32967-0001-0024 in 32967-0001 in Fanny Trundle diary, saying “Miserere:”Note Added
Deborah K edited 32967-0001-0023 in 32967-0001 in Fanny Trundle diaryPage Edited
Deborah K reviewed 32967-0001-0023 in 32967-0001 in Fanny Trundle diaryPage Reviewed
Deborah K transcribed 32967-0001-0022 in 32967-0001 in Fanny Trundle diaryPage Transcribed
Deborah K added a note to 32967-0001-0022 in 32967-0001 in Fanny Trundle diary, saying “Henry Allon + Memoir Rev. James Sherman: Wilberforce, "Practical Christianity":”Note Added
Deborah K transcribed 32967-0001-0021 in 32967-0001 in Fanny Trundle diaryPage Transcribed
Deborah K transcribed 32967-0001-0020 in 32967-0001 in Fanny Trundle diaryPage Transcribed
Deborah K transcribed 32967-0001-0019 in 32967-0001 in Fanny Trundle diaryPage Transcribed
Deborah K added a note to 32967-0001-0019 in 32967-0001 in Fanny Trundle diary, saying “John Higginbottom: Qualifications list: Theme of Higginbottom's letters: https://arch...”Note Added
Deborah K edited 32967-0001-0018 in 32967-0001 in Fanny Trundle diaryPage Edited
Deborah K added a note to 32967-0001-0018 in 32967-0001 in Fanny Trundle diary, saying “ - letters to The Times of Sidney Godolphin Osborne”Note Added
Deborah K transcribed 32967-0001-0018 in 32967-0001 in Fanny Trundle diaryPage Transcribed
Deborah K transcribed 32967-0001-0017 in 32967-0001 in Fanny Trundle diaryPage Transcribed
Deborah K marked 32967-0001-0016 as blank in 32967-0001 in Fanny Trundle diaryPage Marked Blank
Deborah K transcribed 32967-0001-0015 in 32967-0001 in Fanny Trundle diaryPage Transcribed
Deborah K transcribed 32967-0001-0014 in 32967-0001 in Fanny Trundle diaryPage Transcribed
Deborah K transcribed 32967-0001-0013 in 32967-0001 in Fanny Trundle diaryPage Transcribed
Deborah K added a note to 32967-0001-0013 in 32967-0001 in Fanny Trundle diary, saying “ pages 104-105 used as supporting documentation.”Note Added
Deborah K transcribed 32967-0001-0012 in 32967-0001 in Fanny Trundle diaryPage Transcribed
Deborah K transcribed 32967-0001-0011 in 32967-0001 in Fanny Trundle diaryPage Transcribed
Deborah K transcribed 32967-0001-0010 in 32967-0001 in Fanny Trundle diaryPage Transcribed
Deborah K transcribed 32967-0001-0009 in 32967-0001 in Fanny Trundle diaryPage Transcribed
Deborah K transcribed 32967-0001-0008 in 32967-0001 in Fanny Trundle diaryPage Transcribed
Deborah K corrected 33054-002677-0002 in 33054-002677 in Colonial Secretary's CorrespondencePage OCR Corrected
Deborah K marked 33054-002677-0002 as needing review in 33054-002677 in Colonial Secretary's CorrespondencePage Needs Review
Deborah K corrected 33054-002677-0001 in 33054-002677 in Colonial Secretary's CorrespondencePage OCR Corrected
Deborah K marked 33054-002677-0001 as needing review in 33054-002677 in Colonial Secretary's CorrespondencePage Needs Review
Deborah K edited page_0049 in Description book (males) - HM Gaol, Brisbane (Boggo Road) 1894-1898 (ITM2946) in Description book (males) - HM Gaol, Brisbane (Boggo Road)Page Edited
Deborah K marked page_0049 as needing review in Description book (males) - HM Gaol, Brisbane (Boggo Road) 1894-1898 (ITM2946) in Description book (males) - HM Gaol, Brisbane (Boggo Road)Page Needs Review
Deborah K transcribed page_0049 in Description book (males) - HM Gaol, Brisbane (Boggo Road) 1894-1898 (ITM2946) in Description book (males) - HM Gaol, Brisbane (Boggo Road)Page Transcribed
Deborah K joined Colonial Secretary's CorrespondenceCollection Joined