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Jamaica Kingston 1 January 1833

Thomas Mayhew esq

Dear Sir,
Your favour with respect to the purchase of
Chiswick Land is with Mr. Forsyth who undertook to reply to it
and furnish the articles you wish to be sent. My commercial
connexion with that Gentleman terminated on the 31 ultimo but
we continue colleagues in various concerns which we thought most
for the interest of our friends to arrange insuch away that each of
our services may be turned to best account.

In this way the management of Chiswick will
continue in me while Mr. Forsyth will ship the Produce, supply
the Property and keep the accounts. This arrangement we
hope to prove to be advantageous and we trust will be satisfactory.

The estate I think will produce 150 hhds this
year which is [] fully equal to the labor the people are
able to accomplish. The Holidays have passed with
the greatest mirth and good humour among our people I Remain

Dear Sir
Your obedt Servant
J Townson

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